Architecture Overview

Runhouse Resources

Resources are the Runhouse primitive for objects that can be saved, shared, and reused. This can be split into compute resources (clusters, functions, modules, environments, and runs) and data resources (folder, table, blob, etc).


The Compute APIs allow a seamless flow of code and execution across local and remote compute. They blur the line between program execution and deployment, providing both a path of least resistence for running a sub-routine on specific hardware, while unceremoniously turning that sub-routine into a reusable service. They also provide convenient dependency isolation and management, provider-agnostic provisioning and termination, and rich debugging and accessibility interfaces built-in.

  • Cluster: A set of machines which can be sent code or data. Generally, they are Ray clusters under the hood.

  • Environment: An environment respresents a compute environment, consisting of packages and environment variables. Each remote environment on a cluster is associated with a Ray Actor servlet, which handles all activities within the environement (calling functions, installing packages, getting/putting objects).

  • Function: Functions are associated with clusters and environments, and are executed using an HTTP endpoint.

  • Module: Modules represent classes that can be sent to and used on remote clusters and environments. Modules can live on remote hardware and its class methods called remotely.


The Data APIs provide a simple interface for storing, recalling, and moving data between the user’s laptop, remote compute, cloud storage, and specialized storage (e.g. data warehouses). They provide least-common-denominator APIs across providers, allowing users to easily specify the actions they want to take on the data without needed to dig into provider-specific APIs.

  • Folder: Represents a specified location (could be local, remote, or file storage), for managing where various Runhouse resources live.

  • Table: Provides convenient APIs for writing, partitioning, fetch, and stream various data types.

  • Blob: Represents a data object stored in a particular system.

  • File: Represents a file object stored in a particular system.

Accessibility and Management

Runhouse enables the portability and sharing of resources across users and environments, and provides tools for visibility and management of these resources as long-living assets shared by teams or projects.


The Runhouse RNS (Resource Naming System) provides a convenient way to name, persist, and recall resources acoss environments. Meanwhile, the Secrets APIs provide a simple interface for storing and retrieving secrets from your secure Runhouse account.

  • Resource Naming System (RNS): Consists of lightweight metadata for each resource type to captures the information needed to load it in a new environment, and a mechanism for saving and loading from either the working git repo or a remote Runhouse key-value metadata store. The git-based approach (Local RNS) allows for local persistence and versioning or sharing across OSS projects. The metadata store (Runhouse RNS) is even more portable; it allows resource sharing across users and environments, anywhere there is an Internet connection and Python interpreter. The RNS is backed by a management API (see below) to view and manage all resources.

  • Secrets API: Provides a simple interface for storing and retrieving secrets to a allow a more seamless experience when accessing resources across environments. It provides a simple interface for storing and retrieving secrets from a variety of providers (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP, Hugging Face, Github, etc.) as well as SSH Keys and custom secrets, and stores them in Hashicorp Vault.

  • Configs: Set and preserve default configs across environments.


Runhouse provides tools for visibility and management of resources as long-living assets shared by teams or projects.

  • Runhouse Den: provides an individual or admin view of all resources, secrets, groups, and sharing. Resource metadata is automatically versioned in RNS, allowing teams to maintain single-sources of truth for assets with zero downtime to update or roll back, and trace exact lineage for any existing resource.

  • Organization structure: Both resources and users can be organized into organizations to apply and manage shared access and permissions. Resources can be created for an organization by specifying its name in full when creating or loading down a Runhouse resource.

    import runhouse as rh # Create a new function for the organization named "my_org_name" remote_func = rh.function(name="/my_org_name/my_function", fn=my_func).to(system=my_cluster, env=my_env) # Reload the function and invoke it remotely on the cluster remote_func = rh.function(name="/my_org_name/my_function") res = remote_func(*args, **kwargs)


    You must be an organization admin in order to add new members and manage their permissions within the organization. The management panel can be accessed in the Den account page.

Resource Access Levels

Runhouse lets you control the access levels you provide to the users of your resources:

  • read (default): Users cannot modify the config, but can access the resource directly.

  • write: Users have full control over the resource, including modifying its config.

Resource Visibility

In addition to providing control over the access levels, Runhouse lets you control the visibility you provide to your users.

Similar to Google Drive, you can choose how visible you would like each resource to be:

  • private (default): Only users who have been granted access explicitly to the resource can view and access it.

  • unlisted: Users can access and search for the resource by its name only (will not be vieweable by default).

  • public: Resource will be available publicly to all users.

You can specify these options when sharing any Runhouse resource. Here are some examples for how that could look when sharing a function:

# Share a function with a particular user, giving them write access to the resource and private visibility # The function will be visible to the user in their Den dashboard my_func.share("", access_level="write", visibility="private") # Make this function available to all users, who will be given read access to that resource my_func.share(visibility="public") # Share the function with a list of users, giving them read only access to the resource and unlisted visibility, # The function will not be visible by default in these users' Den dashboards, and will only appear # if searched by name my_func.share(["", "rh_username_2"], visibility="unlisted")