Source code for runhouse.resources.blobs.file

import pickle
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union

from runhouse.resources.blobs.blob import Blob, blob
from runhouse.resources.envs import _get_env_from, Env
from runhouse.resources.folders import Folder, folder
from runhouse.resources.hardware import _current_cluster, _get_cluster_from, Cluster
from runhouse.rns.utils.names import _generate_default_name

[docs]class File(Blob):
[docs] def __init__( self, path: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, system: Optional[str] = Folder.DEFAULT_FS, env: Optional[Env] = None, data_config: Optional[Dict] = None, dryrun: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Runhouse File object .. note:: To build a File, please use the factory method :func:`file`. """ self._filename = str(Path(path).name) if path else name # Use factory method so correct subclass for system is returned self._folder = folder( path=str(Path(path).parent) if path is not None else path, system=system, data_config=data_config, dryrun=dryrun, ) super().__init__(name=name, dryrun=dryrun, system=system, env=env, **kwargs)
def config(self, condensed=True): config = super().config(condensed) file_config = { "path": self.path, # pair with data source to create the physical URL "data_config": self.data_config, } config.update(file_config) return config @staticmethod def from_config(config: dict, dryrun=False, _resolve_children=True): return Blob(**config, dryrun=dryrun) @property def system(self): return self._folder.system @system.setter def system(self, new_system): self._folder.system = new_system @property def path(self): return self._folder.path + "/" + self._filename @path.setter def path(self, new_path): self._folder.path = str(Path(new_path).parent) self._filename = str(Path(new_path).name) @property def data_config(self): return self._folder.data_config @data_config.setter def data_config(self, new_data_config): self._folder.data_config = new_data_config @property def fsspec_url(self): return self._folder.fsspec_url + "/" + self._filename
[docs] def open(self, mode: str = "rb"): """Get a file-like (OpenFile container object) of the file data. User must close the file, or use this method inside of a with statement. Example: >>> with"wb") as f: >>> f.write(data) >>> >>> obj = """ return, mode=mode)
[docs] def to( self, system, env: Optional[Union[str, Env]] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, data_config: Optional[dict] = None, ): """Return a copy of the file on the destination system and path. Example: >>> local_file = rh.file(data) >>> s3_file ="s3") >>> cluster_file = """ if system == "here": if not path: current_cluster_config = _current_cluster(key="config") if current_cluster_config: system = Cluster.from_config(current_cluster_config) else: system = None else: system = "file" system = _get_cluster_from(system) env = _get_env_from(env or self.env) if (not system or isinstance(system, Cluster)) and not path: name = or _generate_default_name(prefix="blob") data_backup = self.fetch() new_blob = Blob(name=name).to(system, env) = data_backup return new_blob new_file = file(path=path, system=system, data_config=data_config) try: new_file.write( self.fetch(mode="r", deserialize=False), serialize=False, mode="w" ) except UnicodeDecodeError: new_file.write(self.fetch()) return new_file
[docs] def resolved_state(self, deserialize: bool = True, mode: str = "rb"): """Return the data for the user to deserialize. Primarily used to define the behavior of the ``fetch`` method. Example: >>> data = file.fetch() """ data = self._folder.get(self._filename, mode=mode) if deserialize: return pickle.loads(data) return data
def _save_sub_resources(self, folder: str = None): if isinstance(self.system, Cluster):
[docs] def write(self, data, serialize: bool = True, mode: str = "wb"): """Save the underlying file to its specified fsspec URL. Example: >>> rh.file(system="s3", path="path/to/save").write(data) """ self._folder.mkdir() if serialize: data = pickle.dumps(data) with as f: f.write(data) return self
[docs] def rm(self): """Delete the file and the folder it lives in from the file system. Example: >>> file = rh.file(data, path="saved/path") >>> file.rm() """ self._folder.rm(contents=[self._filename], recursive=False)
[docs] def exists_in_system(self): """Check whether the file exists in the file system Example: >>> file = rh.file(data, path="saved/path") >>> file.exists_in_system() """ return self._folder.fsspec_fs.exists(self.fsspec_url)
[docs]def file( data=None, name: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, system: Optional[str] = None, data_config: Optional[Dict] = None, dryrun: bool = False, ): """Returns a File object, which can be used to interact with the resource at the given path Args: data: File data. This should be a serializable object. name (Optional[str]): Name to give the file object, to be reused later on. path (Optional[str]): Path (or path) of the file object. system (Optional[str or Cluster]): File system or cluster name. If providing a file system this must be one of: [``file``, ``github``, ``sftp``, ``ssh``, ``s3``, ``gs``, ``azure``]. We are working to add additional file system support. data_config (Optional[Dict]): The data config to pass to the underlying fsspec handler. dryrun (bool): Whether to create the File if it doesn't exist, or load a File object as a dryrun. (Default: ``False``) Returns: File: The resulting file. Example: >>> import runhouse as rh >>> import json >>> data = json.dumps(list(range(50)) >>> >>> # Remote file with name and no path (saved to bucket called runhouse/blobs/my-file) >>> rh.file(name="@/my-file", data=data, system='s3').write() >>> >>> # Remote file with name and path >>> rh.file(name='@/my-file', path='/runhouse-tests/my_file.pickle', system='s3').save() >>> >>> # Local file with name and path, save to local filesystem >>> rh.file(data=data, path=str(Path.cwd() / "my_file.pickle")).write() >>> >>> # Local file with name and no path (saved to ~/.cache/blobs/my-file) >>> rh.file(name="~/my-file", data=data).write().save() >>> # Loading a file >>> my_local_file = rh.file(name="~/my_file") >>> my_s3_file = rh.file(name="@/my_file") """ return blob( name=name, data=data, path=path, system=system, data_config=data_config or {}, # Trick to force blob factory to create a File dryrun=dryrun, )