Source code for runhouse.resources.envs.env

import copy
import logging
import os
import shlex
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from runhouse.globals import obj_store

from runhouse.logger import logger
from runhouse.resources.envs.utils import _process_env_vars, run_setup_command
from runhouse.resources.folders import Folder
from runhouse.resources.hardware import _get_cluster_from, Cluster
from runhouse.resources.packages import Package
from runhouse.resources.resource import Resource
from runhouse.utils import run_with_logs

[docs]class Env(Resource): RESOURCE_TYPE = "env"
[docs] def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, reqs: List[Union[str, Package]] = [], setup_cmds: List[str] = None, env_vars: Union[Dict, str] = {}, working_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, secrets: Optional[Union[str, "Secret"]] = [], compute: Optional[Dict] = {}, dryrun: bool = True, **kwargs, # We have this here to ignore extra arguments when calling from_config ): """ Runhouse Env object. .. note:: To create an Env, please use the factory method :func:`env`. """ super().__init__(name=name, dryrun=dryrun) self._reqs = reqs self.setup_cmds = setup_cmds self.env_vars = env_vars self.working_dir = working_dir self.secrets = secrets self.compute = compute
@property def env_name(self): return or "base"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_config(config: dict, dryrun: bool = False, _resolve_children: bool = True): """Create an Env object from a config dict""" config["reqs"] = [ Package.from_config(req, dryrun=True, _resolve_children=_resolve_children) if isinstance(req, dict) else req for req in config.get("reqs", []) ] config["working_dir"] = ( Package.from_config( config["working_dir"], dryrun=True, _resolve_children=_resolve_children ) if isinstance(config.get("working_dir"), dict) else config.get("working_dir") ) resource_subtype = config.get("resource_subtype") if resource_subtype == "CondaEnv": from runhouse import CondaEnv return CondaEnv(**config, dryrun=dryrun) return Env(**config, dryrun=dryrun)
@staticmethod def _set_env_vars(env_vars): for k, v in env_vars.items(): os.environ[k] = v def config(self, condensed=True): config = super().config(condensed) self.save_attrs_to_config( config, ["setup_cmds", "env_vars", "env_name", "compute"] ) config.update( { "reqs": [ self._resource_string_for_subconfig(package, condensed) for package in self._reqs ], "working_dir": self._resource_string_for_subconfig( self.working_dir, condensed ), } ) return config @property def reqs(self): return (self._reqs or []) + ([self.working_dir] if self.working_dir else []) @reqs.setter def reqs(self, reqs): self._reqs = reqs def _reqs_to(self, system: Union[str, Cluster], path=None, mount=False): """Send self.reqs to the system (cluster or file system)""" new_reqs = [] for req in self.reqs: if isinstance(req, str): new_req = Package.from_string(req) req = new_req if isinstance(req, Package) and isinstance(req.install_target, Folder): req = (, path=path, mount=mount) if isinstance(system, Cluster) else, path=path) ) new_reqs.append(req) if self.working_dir: return new_reqs[:-1], new_reqs[-1] return new_reqs, None def _secrets_to(self, system: Union[str, Cluster]): from runhouse.resources.secrets import Secret new_secrets = [] for secret in self.secrets: if isinstance(secret, str): secret = Secret.from_name(secret) new_secrets.append(, env=self)) return new_secrets def _install_reqs(self, cluster: Cluster = None, reqs: List = None): reqs = reqs or self.reqs if reqs: for package in reqs: if isinstance(package, str): pkg = Package.from_string(package) if pkg.install_method in ["reqs", "local"] and cluster: pkg = elif hasattr(package, "_install"): pkg = package else: raise ValueError(f"package {package} not recognized") logger.debug(f"Installing package: {str(pkg)}") pkg._install(env=self, cluster=cluster) def _run_setup_cmds(self, cluster: Cluster = None, setup_cmds: List = None): setup_cmds = setup_cmds or self.setup_cmds if not setup_cmds: return for cmd in setup_cmds: cmd = self._full_command(cmd) run_setup_command( cmd, cluster=cluster, env_vars=_process_env_vars(self.env_vars) )
[docs] def install(self, force: bool = False, cluster: Cluster = None): """Locally install packages and run setup commands.""" # Hash the config_for_rns to check if we need to install env_config = self.config() # Remove the name because auto-generated names will be different, but the installed components are the same env_config.pop("name") install_hash = hash(str(env_config)) # Check the existing hash if install_hash in obj_store.installed_envs and not force: logger.debug("Env already installed, skipping") return obj_store.installed_envs[install_hash] = self._install_reqs(cluster=cluster) self._run_setup_cmds(cluster=cluster)
def _full_command(self, command: str): if self._run_cmd: return f"{self._run_cmd} $SHELL -c {shlex.quote(command)}" return command def _run_command(self, command: str, **kwargs): """Run command locally inside the environment""" command = self._full_command(command)"Running command in {}: {command}") return run_with_logs(command, **kwargs)
[docs] def to( self, system: Union[str, Cluster], node_idx=None, path=None, mount=False, force_install=False, ): """ Send environment to the system (Cluster or file system). This includes installing packages and running setup commands if system is a cluster. Example: >>> env = rh.env(reqs=["numpy", "pip"]) >>> cluster_env = >>> s3_env ="s3", path="s3_bucket/my_env") """ system = _get_cluster_from(system) new_env = copy.deepcopy(self) new_env.reqs, new_env.working_dir = self._reqs_to(system, path, mount) if isinstance(system, Cluster): if node_idx is not None: if node_idx >= len(system.ips): raise ValueError( f"Cluster {} has only {len(system.ips)} nodes. Requested node index {node_idx} is out of bounds." ) if new_env.compute is None: new_env.compute = {} new_env.compute["node_idx"] = node_idx key = ( system.put_resource(new_env) if else ) env_vars = _process_env_vars(self.env_vars) if env_vars:, "_set_env_vars", env_vars) if, "install", force=force_install) else:, "_install_reqs", reqs=new_env.reqs), "_run_setup_cmds", setup_cmds=new_env.setup_cmds) # Secrets are resources that go in the env, so put them in after the env is created new_env.secrets = self._secrets_to(system) return new_env
@property def _activate_cmd(self): return "" @property def _run_cmd(self): return ""