Source code for runhouse.resources.secrets.provider_secrets.lambda_secret

import copy
import os
from pathlib import Path

from typing import Dict, Union

from runhouse.resources.blobs.file import File

from runhouse.resources.secrets.provider_secrets.provider_secret import ProviderSecret
from runhouse.resources.secrets.utils import _check_file_for_mismatches

[docs]class LambdaSecret(ProviderSecret): """ .. note:: To create a LambdaSecret, please use the factory method :func:`provider_secret` with ``provider="lambda"``. """ # values format: {"api_key": api_key} _DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_PATH = "~/.lambda_cloud/lambda_keys" _PROVIDER = "lambda" @staticmethod def from_config(config: dict, dryrun: bool = False, _resolve_children: bool = True): return LambdaSecret(**config, dryrun=dryrun) def _write_to_file( self, path: Union[str, File], values: Dict = None, overwrite: bool = False ): new_secret = copy.deepcopy(self) if not _check_file_for_mismatches( path, self._from_path(path), values, overwrite ): data = f'api_key = {values["api_key"]}\n' if isinstance(path, File): path.write(data, serialize=False, mode="w") else: full_path = os.path.expanduser(path) Path(full_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(full_path, "w+") as f: f.write(data) new_secret._add_to_rh_config(path) new_secret._values = None new_secret.path = path return new_secret def _from_path(self, path: Union[str, File]): lines = None if isinstance(path, File): if path.exists_in_system(): lines = path.fetch(mode="r", deserialize=False).split("\n") elif path and os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(path)): with open(os.path.expanduser(path), "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() if lines: for line in lines: split = line.split() if split[0] == "api_key": api_key = split[-1] return {"api_key": api_key} return {}