This script demonstrates how to set up a distributed training pipeline using PyTorch, DLRM, MovieLens, and AWS S3. The training pipeline involves initializing a distributed model, loading data from S3, and saving model checkpoints back to S3. The data was preprocessed in the prior step with Ray Data.
import logging import boto3 import ray import ray.train import ray.train.torch import runhouse as rh import torch import torch.nn as nn from ray.train import ScalingConfig from torch.optim import Adam from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR
Define the DLRM model class, with support for loading pretrained weights from S3. This is used by the trainer class to initialize the model.
class DLRM(nn.Module): def __init__( self, num_users, num_items, embedding_dim, load_from_s3=False, s3_bucket=None, s3_key=None, ): super(DLRM, self).__init__() self.user_embedding = nn.Embedding(num_users, embedding_dim, padding_idx=0) self.item_embedding = nn.Embedding(num_items, embedding_dim, padding_idx=0) self.fc = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(embedding_dim * 2, 128), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(128, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 1), nn.Sigmoid(), ) self.num_users = num_users self.num_items = num_items if load_from_s3: self.load_model(s3_bucket, s3_key) def forward(self, users, items): users = users.clamp(min=0, max=self.num_users - 1) items = items.clamp(min=0, max=self.num_items - 1) user_embed = self.user_embedding(users) item_embed = self.item_embedding(items) x =[user_embed, item_embed], dim=-1) return self.fc(x).squeeze(1) def load_model(self, s3_bucket, s3_key): from io import BytesIO s3 = boto3.client("s3") response = s3.get_object(Bucket=s3_bucket, Key=s3_key) model_state_dict = torch.load( BytesIO(response["Body"].read()) ) # Load the state_dict from S3 self.load_state_dict(model_state_dict)
This is a simple example so we will train with just userId, movieId, and rating columns.
def read_preprocessed_dlrm(data_path): import pyarrow as pa schema = pa.schema( [ ("userId", pa.int64()), ("movieId", pa.int64()), ("rating", pa.float32()), ] ) return data_path, schema=schema, columns=["userId", "movieId", "rating"] )
This function is the main training that gets distributed and run by Ray
def dlrm_train(config):"Starting dlrm training") ( s3_bucket, s3_path, unique_users, unique_movies, embedding_dim, lr, weight_decay, step_size, gamma, epochs, save_every_epochs, ) = ( config["s3_bucket"], config["s3_path"], config["unique_users"], config["unique_movies"], config["embedding_dim"], config["lr"], config["weight_decay"], config["step_size"], config["gamma"], config["epochs"], config["save_every_epochs"], ) # Initialize model, criterion, optimizer, and scheduler model = ray.train.torch.prepare_model( DLRM( num_users=unique_users, num_items=unique_movies, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, ) ) criterion = nn.MSELoss() optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) scheduler = StepLR(optimizer, step_size=step_size, gamma=gamma) # Define per epoch training function def train_epoch(batch_size=128): model.train() running_loss = 0.0 train_data_shard = ray.train.get_dataset_shard("train") for batch_idx, batch in enumerate( train_data_shard.iter_torch_batches(batch_size=batch_size) ): optimizer.zero_grad() user_ids, item_ids, labels = ( batch["userId"], batch["movieId"], batch["rating"], ) outputs = model(user_ids, item_ids) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() if (batch_idx + 1) % 250 == 0: print(f"Batch {batch_idx + 1} loss: {loss.item():.4f}") avg_loss = running_loss / batch_idx return avg_loss # Define validation function def validate_epoch(batch_size): model.eval() val_loss = 0.0 eval_data_shard = ray.train.get_dataset_shard("val") with torch.no_grad(): for batch_idx, batch in enumerate( eval_data_shard.iter_torch_batches(batch_size=batch_size) ): user_ids, item_ids, labels = ( batch["userId"], batch["movieId"], batch["rating"], ) outputs = model(user_ids, item_ids) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) val_loss += loss.item() val_loss /= batch_idx return val_loss # Define a helper function to save checkpoints to s3 def save_checkpoint(name):, name) s3 = boto3.client("s3") s3.upload_file(name, s3_bucket, s3_path + "checkpoints/" + name) print(f"Model saved to s3://{s3_bucket}/{s3_path}checkpoints/{name}") # Run the training for `epochs` epochs, saving every fifth epoch for epoch in range(epochs): print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1}") train_loss = train_epoch(batch_size=500) val_loss = validate_epoch(batch_size=500) print(f"Train loss: {train_loss:.4f}, Val loss: {val_loss:.4f}") scheduler.step() if (epoch + 1) % save_every_epochs == 0: save_checkpoint(f"dlrm_model_epoch_{epoch + 1}.pth") # Save after the final epoch as well save_checkpoint("dlrm_model.pth")
Function that is sent to remote compute to run the training
def ray_trainer( num_nodes, gpus_per_node, s3_bucket, s3_path, train_data_path, val_data_path, embedding_dim, lr, weight_decay, step_size, gamma, epochs, save_every_epochs, ): # Load data"Loading data") train_dataset = read_preprocessed_dlrm(train_data_path) val_dataset = read_preprocessed_dlrm(val_data_path)"Data loaded") unique_users = 330975 # len(train_dataset.unique("userId")) unique_movies = 86000 # len(train_dataset.unique("movieId")) scaling_config = ScalingConfig( num_workers=num_nodes, use_gpu=True, resources_per_worker={"CPU": 3, "GPU": gpus_per_node}, ) ray_train = ray.train.torch.TorchTrainer( train_loop_per_worker=dlrm_train, train_loop_config={ "s3_bucket": s3_bucket, "s3_path": s3_path, "unique_users": unique_users, "unique_movies": unique_movies, "embedding_dim": embedding_dim, "lr": lr, "weight_decay": weight_decay, "step_size": step_size, "gamma": gamma, "epochs": epochs, "save_every_epochs": save_every_epochs, }, datasets={"train": train_dataset, "val": val_dataset}, scaling_config=scaling_config, )
The following code snippet demonstrates how to define Runhouse compute and run the distributed training pipeline on it.
if __name__ == "__main__":
Define compute with multiple nodes with GPUs
gpus_per_node = 1 num_nodes = 4 img = ( rh.images.ray() .install_packages(["torch==2.5.1", "datasets", "boto3", "awscli"]) .sync_secrets(["aws"]) ) gpus = rh.compute( name=f"rh-{num_nodes}x{gpus_per_node}GPU", gpus=f"A10G:{gpus_per_node}", num_nodes=num_nodes, provider="aws", image=img, ).up_if_not() epochs = 15 train_data_path = ( "s3://rh-demo-external/dlrm-training-example/preprocessed_data/train/" ) val_data_path = ( "s3://rh-demo-external/dlrm-training-example/preprocessed_data/eval/" ) working_s3_bucket = "rh-demo-external" working_s3_path = "dlrm-training-example/" remote_trainer = ( rh.function(ray_trainer).to(gpus, name="ray_trainer").distribute("ray") )
Call the training function on the cluster
remote_trainer( num_nodes, gpus_per_node, s3_bucket=working_s3_bucket, s3_path=working_s3_path, train_data_path=train_data_path, val_data_path=val_data_path, embedding_dim=64, lr=0.001, weight_decay=0.0001, step_size=5, gamma=0.5, epochs=epochs, save_every_epochs=5, )