Source code for runhouse.resources.hardware.cluster_factory

import os
import subprocess
import warnings

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union


from runhouse.logger import logger
from runhouse.resources.hardware.utils import ServerConnectionType
from runhouse.rns.utils.api import relative_ssh_path

from .cluster import Cluster
from .on_demand_cluster import OnDemandCluster
from .sagemaker.sagemaker_cluster import SageMakerCluster

# Cluster factory method
[docs]def cluster( name: str, host: Union[str, List[str]] = None, ssh_creds: Union[Dict, str] = None, server_port: int = None, server_host: str = None, server_connection_type: Union[ServerConnectionType, str] = None, ssl_keyfile: str = None, ssl_certfile: str = None, domain: str = None, den_auth: bool = None, default_env: Union["Env", str] = None, dryrun: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Cluster, OnDemandCluster, SageMakerCluster]: """ Builds an instance of :class:`Cluster`. Args: name (str): Name for the cluster, to re-use later on. host (str or List[str], optional): Hostname (e.g. domain or name in .ssh/config), IP address, or list of IP addresses for the cluster (the first of which is the head node). ssh_creds (dict or str, optional): SSH credentials, passed as dictionary or the name of an `SSHSecret` object. Example: ``ssh_creds={'ssh_user': '...', 'ssh_private_key':'<path_to_key>'}`` server_port (bool, optional): Port to use for the server. If not provided will use 80 for a ``server_connection_type`` of ``none``, 443 for ``tls`` and ``32300`` for all other SSH connection types. server_host (bool, optional): Host from which the server listens for traffic (i.e. the --host argument `runhouse start` run on the cluster). Defaults to "" unless connecting to the server with an SSH connection, in which case ``localhost`` is used. server_connection_type (ServerConnectionType or str, optional): Type of connection to use for the Runhouse API server. ``ssh`` will use start with server via an SSH tunnel. ``tls`` will start the server with HTTPS on port 443 using TLS certs without an SSH tunnel. ``none`` will start the server with HTTP without an SSH tunnel. ``aws_ssm`` will start the server with HTTP using AWS SSM port forwarding. ssl_keyfile(str, optional): Path to SSL key file to use for launching the API server with HTTPS. ssl_certfile(str, optional): Path to SSL certificate file to use for launching the API server with HTTPS. domain(str, optional): Domain name for the cluster. Relevant if enabling HTTPs on the cluster. den_auth (bool, optional): Whether to use Den authorization on the server. If ``True``, will validate incoming requests with a Runhouse token provided in the auth headers of the request with the format: ``{"Authorization": "Bearer <token>"}``. (Default: ``None``). default_env (Env or str, optional): Environment that the Runhouse server is started on in the cluster. Used to specify an isolated environment (e.g. conda env) or any setup and requirements prior to starting the Runhouse server. (Default: ``None``) dryrun (bool): Whether to create the Cluster if it doesn't exist, or load a Cluster object as a dryrun. (Default: ``False``) Returns: Union[Cluster, OnDemandCluster, SageMakerCluster]: The resulting cluster. Example: >>> # using private key >>> gpu = rh.cluster(host='<hostname>', >>> ssh_creds={'ssh_user': '...', 'ssh_private_key':'<path_to_key>'}, >>> name='rh-a10x').save() >>> # using password >>> gpu = rh.cluster(host='<hostname>', >>> ssh_creds={'ssh_user': '...', 'password':'*****'}, >>> name='rh-a10x').save() >>> # using the name of an SSHSecret object >>> gpu = rh.cluster(host='<hostname>', >>> ssh_creds="my_ssh_secret", >>> name='rh-a10x').save() >>> # Load cluster from above >>> reloaded_cluster = rh.cluster(name="rh-a10x") """ if host and kwargs.get("ips"): raise ValueError( "Cluster factory method can only accept one of `host` or `ips` as an argument." ) if name: alt_options = dict( host=host, ssh_creds=ssh_creds, server_port=server_port, server_host=server_host, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, default_env=default_env, kwargs=kwargs if len(kwargs) > 0 else None, ) # Filter out None/default values alt_options = {k: v for k, v in alt_options.items() if v is not None} try: c = Cluster.from_name(name, dryrun, alt_options=alt_options) if c: c.set_connection_defaults() if den_auth: return c except ValueError as e: if not alt_options: raise e if ssh_creds: from runhouse.resources.secrets.utils import setup_cluster_creds ssh_creds_secret = setup_cluster_creds(ssh_creds, name) else: ssh_creds_secret = ssh_creds if "instance_type" in kwargs.keys(): return ondemand_cluster( name=name, creds=ssh_creds_secret, server_port=server_port, server_host=server_host, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, default_env=default_env, dryrun=dryrun, **kwargs, ) if any( k in kwargs.keys() for k in [ "role", "estimator", "instance_type", "connection_wait_time", "num_instances", ] ): warnings.warn( "The `cluster` factory is intended to be used for static clusters. " "If you would like to create a sagemaker cluster, please use `rh.sagemaker_cluster()` instead." ) return sagemaker_cluster( name=name, ssh_creds=ssh_creds, server_port=server_port, server_host=server_host, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, default_env=default_env, dryrun=dryrun, **kwargs, ) if server_connection_type == ServerConnectionType.AWS_SSM: raise ValueError( f"Cluster does not support server connection type of {server_connection_type}" ) if isinstance(host, str): host = [host] c = Cluster( ips=kwargs.pop("ips", None) or host, creds=ssh_creds_secret, name=name, server_host=server_host, server_port=server_port, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, default_env=default_env, dryrun=dryrun, **kwargs, ) c.set_connection_defaults(**kwargs) if den_auth: return c
def kubernetes_cluster( name: str, instance_type: str = None, namespace: str = None, kube_config_path: str = None, context: str = None, server_connection_type: Union[ServerConnectionType, str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> OnDemandCluster: # if user passes provider via kwargs to kubernetes_cluster provider_passed = kwargs.pop("provider", None) if provider_passed is not None and provider_passed != "kubernetes": raise ValueError( f"Runhouse K8s Cluster provider must be `kubernetes`. " f"You passed {provider_passed}." ) # checking server_connection_type passed over from ondemand_cluster factory method if ( server_connection_type is not None and server_connection_type != ServerConnectionType.SSH ): raise ValueError( f"Runhouse K8s Cluster server connection type must be set to `ssh`. " f"You passed {server_connection_type}." ) if context is not None and namespace is not None: warnings.warn( "You passed both a context and a namespace. Ensure your namespace matches the one in your context.", UserWarning, ) if namespace is not None: # check if user passed a user-defined namespace cmd = f"kubectl config set-context --current --namespace={namespace}" try: process = cmd, shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) logger.debug(process.stdout)"Kubernetes namespace set to {namespace}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:"Error: {e}") if ( kube_config_path is not None ): # check if user passed a user-defined kube_config_path kube_config_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.kube") kube_config_path_rl = os.path.join(kube_config_dir, "config") if not os.path.exists( kube_config_dir ): # check if ~/.kube directory exists on local machine try: os.makedirs( kube_config_dir ) # create ~/.kube directory if it doesn't exist"Created directory: {kube_config_dir}") except OSError as e:"Error creating directory: {e}") if os.path.exists(kube_config_path_rl): raise Exception( "A kubeconfig file already exists in ~/.kube directory. Aborting." ) try: cmd = f"cp {kube_config_path} {kube_config_path_rl}" # copy user-defined kube_config to ~/.kube/config, shell=True, check=True)"Copied kubeconfig to: {kube_config_path}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:"Error copying kubeconfig: {e}") if context is not None: # check if user passed a user-defined context try: cmd = f"kubectl config use-context {context}" # set user-defined context as current context, shell=True, check=True)"Kubernetes context has been set to: {context}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:"Error setting context: {e}") c = OnDemandCluster( name=name, instance_type=instance_type, provider="kubernetes", server_connection_type=server_connection_type, **kwargs, ) c.set_connection_defaults() return c # OnDemandCluster factory method
[docs]def ondemand_cluster( name: str, instance_type: Optional[str] = None, num_instances: Optional[int] = None, provider: Optional[str] = None, autostop_mins: Optional[int] = None, use_spot: bool = False, image_id: Optional[str] = None, region: Optional[str] = None, memory: Union[int, str, None] = None, disk_size: Union[int, str, None] = None, open_ports: Union[int, str, List[int], None] = None, sky_kwargs: Dict = None, server_port: int = None, server_host: int = None, server_connection_type: Union[ServerConnectionType, str] = None, ssl_keyfile: str = None, ssl_certfile: str = None, domain: str = None, den_auth: bool = None, default_env: Union["Env", str] = None, dryrun: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> OnDemandCluster: """ Builds an instance of :class:`OnDemandCluster`. Note that image_id, region, memory, disk_size, and open_ports are all passed through to SkyPilot's `Resource constructor <>`_. Args: name (str): Name for the cluster, to re-use later on. instance_type (int, optional): Type of cloud instance to use for the cluster. This could be a Runhouse built-in type, or your choice of instance type. num_instances (int, optional): Number of instances to use for the cluster. provider (str, optional): Cloud provider to use for the cluster. autostop_mins (int, optional): Number of minutes to keep the cluster up after inactivity, or ``-1`` to keep cluster up indefinitely. use_spot (bool, optional): Whether or not to use spot instance. image_id (str, optional): Custom image ID for the cluster. If using a docker image, please use the following string format: "docker:<registry>/<image>:<tag>". See `user guide <>`__ for more information on Docker cluster setup. region (str, optional): The region to use for the cluster. memory (int or str, optional): Amount of memory to use for the cluster, e.g. "16" or "16+". disk_size (int or str, optional): Amount of disk space to use for the cluster, e.g. "100" or "100+". open_ports (int or str or List[int], optional): Ports to open in the cluster's security group. Note that you are responsible for ensuring that the applications listening on these ports are secure. sky_kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the SkyPilot `Resource` or `launch` APIs. Should be a dict of the form `{"resources": {<resources_kwargs>}, "launch": {<launch_kwargs>}}`, where resources_kwargs and launch_kwargs will be passed to the SkyPilot Resources API (See `SkyPilot docs <>`_) and `launch` API (See `SkyPilot docs <>`_), respectively. Any arguments which duplicate those passed to the `ondemand_cluster` factory method will raise an error. server_port (bool, optional): Port to use for the server. If not provided will use 80 for a ``server_connection_type`` of ``none``, 443 for ``tls`` and ``32300`` for all other SSH connection types. server_host (bool, optional): Host from which the server listens for traffic (i.e. the --host argument `runhouse start` run on the cluster). Defaults to "" unless connecting to the server with an SSH connection, in which case ``localhost`` is used. server_connection_type (ServerConnectionType or str, optional): Type of connection to use for the Runhouse API server. ``ssh`` will use start with server via an SSH tunnel. ``tls`` will start the server with HTTPS on port 443 using TLS certs without an SSH tunnel. ``none`` will start the server with HTTP without an SSH tunnel. ``aws_ssm`` will start the server with HTTP using AWS SSM port forwarding. ssl_keyfile(str, optional): Path to SSL key file to use for launching the API server with HTTPS. ssl_certfile(str, optional): Path to SSL certificate file to use for launching the API server with HTTPS. domain(str, optional): Domain name for the cluster. Relevant if enabling HTTPs on the cluster. den_auth (bool, optional): Whether to use Den authorization on the server. If ``True``, will validate incoming requests with a Runhouse token provided in the auth headers of the request with the format: ``{"Authorization": "Bearer <token>"}``. (Default: ``None``). default_env (Env or str, optional): Environment that the Runhouse server is started on in the cluster. Used to specify an isolated environment (e.g. conda env) or any setup and requirements prior to starting the Runhouse server. (Default: ``None``) dryrun (bool): Whether to create the Cluster if it doesn't exist, or load a Cluster object as a dryrun. (Default: ``False``) Returns: OnDemandCluster: The resulting cluster. Example: >>> import runhouse as rh >>> # On-Demand SkyPilot Cluster (OnDemandCluster) >>> gpu = rh.ondemand_cluster(name='rh-4-a100s', >>> instance_type='A100:4', >>> provider='gcp', >>> autostop_mins=-1, >>> use_spot=True, >>> image_id='my_ami_string', >>> region='us-east-1', >>> ).save() >>> # Load cluster from above >>> reloaded_cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster(name="rh-4-a100s") """ if name in RESERVED_SYSTEM_NAMES: raise ValueError( f"Cluster name {name} is a reserved name. Please use a different name which is not one of " f"{RESERVED_SYSTEM_NAMES}." ) if provider == "kubernetes": namespace = kwargs.pop("namespace", None) kube_config_path = kwargs.pop("kube_config_path", None) context = kwargs.pop("context", None) server_connection_type = kwargs.pop("server_connection_type", None) default_env = kwargs.pop("default_env", None) return kubernetes_cluster( name=name, instance_type=instance_type, namespace=namespace, kube_config_path=kube_config_path, context=context, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, default_env=default_env, autostop_mins=autostop_mins, num_instances=num_instances, provider=provider, use_spot=use_spot, image_id=image_id, region=region, memory=memory, disk_size=disk_size, open_ports=open_ports, sky_kwargs=sky_kwargs, server_port=server_port, server_host=server_host, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, dryrun=dryrun, **kwargs, ) if name: alt_options = dict( instance_type=instance_type, num_instances=num_instances, provider=provider, region=region, image_id=image_id, memory=memory, disk_size=disk_size, open_ports=open_ports, server_host=server_host, server_port=server_port, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, default_env=default_env, ) # Filter out None/default values alt_options = {k: v for k, v in alt_options.items() if v is not None} try: c = Cluster.from_name(name, dryrun, alt_options=alt_options) if c: c.set_connection_defaults() if den_auth: return c except ValueError as e: if not alt_options: raise e c = OnDemandCluster( instance_type=instance_type, provider=provider, num_instances=num_instances, autostop_mins=autostop_mins, use_spot=use_spot, image_id=image_id, region=region, memory=memory, disk_size=disk_size, open_ports=open_ports, sky_kwargs=sky_kwargs, server_host=server_host, server_port=server_port, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, default_env=default_env, name=name, dryrun=dryrun, **kwargs, ) c.set_connection_defaults() if den_auth: return c
[docs]def sagemaker_cluster( name: str, role: str = None, profile: str = None, ssh_key_path: str = None, instance_id: str = None, instance_type: str = None, num_instances: int = None, image_uri: str = None, autostop_mins: int = None, connection_wait_time: int = None, estimator: Union["sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase", Dict] = None, job_name: str = None, server_port: int = None, server_host: int = None, server_connection_type: Union[ServerConnectionType, str] = None, ssl_keyfile: str = None, ssl_certfile: str = None, domain: str = None, den_auth: bool = None, default_env: Union["Env", str] = None, dryrun: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> SageMakerCluster: """ Builds an instance of :class:`SageMakerCluster`. See SageMaker Hardware Setup section for more specific instructions and requirements for providing the role and setting up the cluster. Args: name (str): Name for the cluster, to re-use later on. role (str, optional): An AWS IAM role (either name or full ARN). Can be passed in explicitly as an argument or provided via an estimator. If not specified will try using the ``profile`` attribute or environment variable ``AWS_PROFILE`` to extract the relevant role ARN. More info on configuring an IAM role for SageMaker `here <>`_. profile (str, optional): AWS profile to use for the cluster. If provided instead of a ``role``, will lookup the role ARN associated with the profile in the local AWS credentials. If not provided, will use the ``default`` profile. ssh_key_path (str, optional): Path (relative or absolute) to private SSH key to use for connecting to the cluster. If not provided, will look for the key in path ``~/.ssh/sagemaker-ssh-gw``. If not found will generate new keys and upload the public key to the default s3 bucket for the Role ARN. instance_id (str, optional): ID of the AWS instance to use for the cluster. SageMaker does not expose IP addresses of its instance, so we use an instance ID as a unique identifier for the cluster. instance_type (str, optional): Type of AWS instance to use for the cluster. More info on supported instance options `here <>`_. (Default: ``ml.m5.large``.) num_instances (int, optional): Number of instances to use for the cluster. (Default: ``1``.) image_uri (str, optional): Image to use for the cluster instead of using the default SageMaker image which will be based on the framework_version and py_version. Can be an ECR url or dockerhub image and tag. estimator (Union[str, sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase], optional): Estimator to use for a dedicated training job. Leave as ``None`` if launching the compute without running a dedicated job. More info on creating an estimator `here <>`_. autostop_mins (int, optional): Number of minutes to keep the cluster up after inactivity, or ``-1`` to keep cluster up indefinitely. *Note: this will keep the cluster up even if a dedicated training job has finished running or failed*. connection_wait_time (int, optional): Amount of time to wait inside the SageMaker cluster before continuing with normal execution. Useful if you want to connect before a dedicated job starts (e.g. training). If you don't want to wait, set it to ``0``. If no estimator is provided, will default to ``0``. job_name (str, optional): Name to provide for a training job. If not provided will generate a default name based on the image name and current timestamp (e.g. ``pytorch-training-2023-08-28-20-57-55-113``). server_port (bool, optional): Port to use for the server (Default: ``32300``). server_host (bool, optional): Host from which the server listens for traffic (i.e. the --host argument `runhouse start` run on the cluster). *Note: For SageMaker, since we connect to the Runhouse API server via an SSH tunnel, the only valid host is localhost.* server_connection_type (ServerConnectionType or str, optional): Type of connection to use for the Runhouse API server. *Note: For SageMaker, only ``aws_ssm`` is currently valid as the server connection type.* ssl_keyfile(str, optional): Path to SSL key file to use for launching the API server with HTTPS. ssl_certfile(str, optional): Path to SSL certificate file to use for launching the API server with HTTPS. domain(str, optional): Domain name for the cluster. Relevant if enabling HTTPs on the cluster. den_auth (bool, optional): Whether to use Den authorization on the server. If ``True``, will validate incoming requests with a Runhouse token provided in the auth headers of the request with the format: ``{"Authorization": "Bearer <token>"}``. (Default: ``None``). default_env (Env or str, optional): Environment that the Runhouse server is started on in the cluster. Used to specify an isolated environment (e.g. conda env) or any setup and requirements prior to starting the Runhouse server. (Default: ``None``) dryrun (bool): Whether to create the SageMakerCluster if it doesn't exist, or load a SageMakerCluster object as a dryrun. (Default: ``False``) Returns: SageMakerCluster: The resulting cluster. Example: >>> import runhouse as rh >>> # Launch a new SageMaker instance and keep it up indefinitely. >>> # Note: This will use Role ARN associated with the "sagemaker" profile defined in the local aws credentials >>> c = rh.sagemaker_cluster(name='sm-cluster', profile="sagemaker").save() >>> # Running a training job with a provided Estimator >>> c = rh.sagemaker_cluster(name='sagemaker-cluster', >>> estimator=PyTorch(entry_point='', >>> role='arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MySageMakerRole', >>> source_dir='/Users/myuser/dev/sagemaker', >>> framework_version='1.8.1', >>> py_version='py36', >>> instance_type='ml.p3.2xlarge'), >>> ).save() >>> # Load cluster from above >>> reloaded_cluster = rh.sagemaker_cluster(name="sagemaker-cluster") """ if ( "aws-cli/2." not in ["aws", "--version"], capture_output=True, text=True ).stdout ): raise RuntimeError( "SageMaker SDK requires AWS CLI v2. You may also need to run `pip uninstall awscli` to ensure the right " "version is being used. For more info:" ) ssh_key_path = relative_ssh_path(ssh_key_path) if ssh_key_path else None if ( server_connection_type is not None and server_connection_type != ServerConnectionType.AWS_SSM ): raise ValueError( "SageMaker Cluster currently requires a server connection type of `aws_ssm`." ) server_connection_type = ServerConnectionType.AWS_SSM.value if server_host and server_host not in LOCAL_HOSTS: raise ValueError( "SageMaker Cluster currently requires a server host of `localhost` or ``" ) server_port = server_port or DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT if name: alt_options = dict( role=role, profile=profile, ssh_key_path=ssh_key_path, instance_id=instance_id, image_uri=image_uri, estimator=estimator, instance_type=instance_type, job_name=job_name, num_instances=num_instances, server_host=server_host, server_port=server_port, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, den_auth=den_auth, default_env=default_env, ) # Filter out None/default values alt_options = {k: v for k, v in alt_options.items() if v is not None} try: c = SageMakerCluster.from_name(name, dryrun, alt_options=alt_options) if c: c.set_connection_defaults() return c except ValueError as e: if not alt_options: raise e if name in RESERVED_SYSTEM_NAMES: raise ValueError( f"Cluster name {name} is a reserved name. Please use a different name which is not one of " f"{RESERVED_SYSTEM_NAMES}." ) sm = SageMakerCluster( name=name, role=role, profile=profile, ssh_key_path=ssh_key_path, estimator=estimator, job_name=job_name, instance_id=instance_id, instance_type=instance_type, num_instances=num_instances, image_uri=image_uri, autostop_mins=autostop_mins, connection_wait_time=connection_wait_time, server_host=server_host, server_port=server_port, server_connection_type=server_connection_type, den_auth=den_auth, ssl_keyfile=ssl_keyfile, ssl_certfile=ssl_certfile, domain=domain, default_env=default_env, dryrun=dryrun, **kwargs, ) sm.set_connection_defaults() if den_auth: return sm